Purna Yoga East
- Purna Yoga East is a fully equipped yoga studio. We will supply you with everything you will need to take a safe and enjoyable yoga class: mats, blocks, yoga straps, bolsters, 3-minute eggs, blankets, etc.
- Wear comfortable clothes that you can move around in as you will do floor work and standing poses.
- Avoid heavy meals before class.
- We practice barefoot.
- The studio will open 15 minutes before classes begin so we'll see you then!
For Beginners 5-weeks of Yoga in Beginners Basics
Have you ever wanted to try yoga but didn’t know where to start? Then start fresh with us for 5-weeks of yoga in a Beginners Basics class. We will go over the ins and outs of starting a safe, fun and enjoyable yoga practice in a small class setting. Learn simple yet effective yoga routines to stretch your body, strengthen your muscles and help calm your nerves. You will immediately notice that you feel taller, sleep more peacefully and move better throughout your day! During the 5 weeks of the course you are invited to attend any ongoing studio Rise and Shine class, Gentle, level 1-2 and the all-level classes where you will meet the other instructors and students of Purna Yoga East. This is the perfect opportunity for you to experience all that Purna Yoga has to offer so enroll now as the class size is limited. Join a session anytime.
Ongoing classes each week!
Gentle Yoga (all-levels)
During our gentle yoga class you will enjoy a thoughtful and delightful Purna yoga practice in a non-competitive supportive environment. Please let your instructor know if you are working with any physical limitations. We are here to help you.
Level 1 (Beginners Basics)
This class is for those who are newer to yoga or for those who want a refresher on the basics. Learn the fundamentals of a beginning yoga practice, enjoy the shapes of the yoga postures as you stretch and strengthen your body. Become familiar with the Sun Salutations called Surya Namaskar, the Tibetan Rites, our Purna Yoga Hip Series and The Purna Yoga Morning Routine while you release tension along your spine with twisting actions and beginning back bends. Your instructor will go over safety points for all the poses and share with you what poses may not be appropriate for you if you are working with areas in your body that are healing or you are pregnant. You will also learn relaxation techniques and beginning breath awareness called pranayama. The Purna Yoga East instructor will keep you safe and is happy to answer any questions you may have about your yoga practice!
Level 1-2 (Beginners Plus)
A perfect place for you if you've had some experience with yoga but haven't taken Purna Yoga classes before. A faster paced class than Level 1 that continues to explore all that Purna Yoga has to offer. Each class will include the elements that make for a complete and balanced practice. You'll begin class with one of our routines that warms the body then move to develop strength and balance with the standing poses. Next you'll prepare your body for inversions (having your hips above your heart), spend time detoxifying the body and releasing the spine with twists, and opening the body up to feel more alive and joyous with back bends! Class concludes with a lovely Shavasana or guided relaxation pose at the end of class so that your body and mind can integrate the information you have just given it and receive the maximum benefit from the class.
Level 2 (Foundations)
Delve deep into the wellspring of your practice in the level 2 classes. During these classes the refinement and nuances of the yoga poses are explored thereby bringing greater awareness and energetic flow into the body. Poses are held for a bit longer as our instructors guide you to feel areas in the body that are ready to be awakened and areas that are over working which can be relaxed in an effort to bring grace and balance into your practice and life.